Thursday, November 17, 2005

How I got started reading romance books

The summer between by 7th and 8th grade I was staying with an Aunt of mine for the day. I was bored and wanted something to do. She gave me a book she had read and said try this. It was Nora Roberts Irish Thoughabred. What can I say I was hooked.

I mainly read romance books, but I also love a great mystery, thriller, suspense, scare me book.

There is nothing like going to the store and picking a paperback (sometimes hardback) from the shelf, holding it in your hands, opening to the first chapter, maybe even reading a few pages right there in the store, yes I will admit I smell the books also and I do not turn the pages down on my books, that's what a bookmark is for LOL!

Bringing the book home adding it to your pile of books to read, or if it's one you've been waiting on curling up in your favorite chair or bed and reading it, savoring each page as you go.

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